2014 March for Babies - Saturday, April 12th at Norbuck Park at White Rock Lake | 8:45 a.m. - Opening Ceremony | 9 a.m. - March for Babies Kicks Off

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Kickoff Breakfast Success!

(Preparation at Omni Dallas)
       February 6, 2013, March of Dimes- Dallas played host to their annual kickoff breakfast at the Omni Hotel in downtown Dallas. The event was a thriving success with over six-hundred corporate, and family teams joined together for breakfast in celebration of 2012's success and 2013's impending momentum!
       Each attendee present in the audience was challenged to be their best for babies this year; both through an emotional presentation by the Price family, and glowing recognition of last years successes, 2013 promises to be ever greater than last year. We urge each family, individual, and corporation to join us in this challenge and go bigger for babies this year, if last year teams reached their goals, lets take it up a notch and reach higher! A small pebble creates a large ripple.

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