2014 March for Babies - Saturday, April 12th at Norbuck Park at White Rock Lake | 8:45 a.m. - Opening Ceremony | 9 a.m. - March for Babies Kicks Off

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Corporate Spotlight #2

We are 6 weeks away from March for Babies 2011!

This week the Corporate Spotlight is on:

 Ernst & Young, Haynes & Boone and Plains Capital

These three companies office out of Victory Park in Downtown Dallas and are joining forces to kickoff their March for Babies campaign!  The kickoff will take place March 8th at Victory Park where they will start registering walkers for their teams, selling Blue Jeans for Babies stickers, and they will be spotlighting our Ambassador family, the Cabanisses.  What a great way to kickoff their campaign-- I'm sure there will be lots of energy and excitement!

Thank you for you dedication to the March of Dimes mission.  We look forward to hearing how the kickoff goes!

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