2014 March for Babies - Saturday, April 12th at Norbuck Park at White Rock Lake | 8:45 a.m. - Opening Ceremony | 9 a.m. - March for Babies Kicks Off

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Register for the 2014 March for Babies NOW!!

That's right, you can register for the 2014 March for Babies right now! 
Simply go to:  www.marchforbabies.org
You can type your user name and password from last year's campaign in the login window.  Team captains can be assigned and new ones created online, 2014 fundraising goals set, and employees can sign up to walk. 
March for Babies day is Saturday, April 12th 2014 and it will be here before we know it!

Premature Birth Report Card Released - November 1st

The March of Dimes grades states by comparing each
state’s rate of preterm birth to the March of Dimes
2020 goal of 9.6%. Preterm birth is the leading
cause of newborn death in the United States. We don’t
yet understand all the factors that contribute to
preterm birth. The nation must continue to make
progress in research to identify causes and prevention
strategies, and on interventions and quality
improvement initiatives to improve outcomes.
To see where Texas ranks, go to:

Prematurity Awareness Month

November is Prematurity Awareness Month® and when March of Dimes focuses the nation’s attention on the crisis of premature birth. Help us raise awareness about the serious problem of premature birth, the No. 1 killer of newborns. There are several ways you can show your support this month.  All collateral materials referenced below can be found in the Communications Toolkit: http://bit.ly/1co3rp1
How Team Captains can help us raise awareness:


•          Encourage employees to wear purple during Go Purple for Preemies Week. Then, share your photos with us on social media. (facebook.com/MODDFW and/or @MOD_DFW)

•          Program marchofdimes.com as your home page during November.                                                                            

•          Invite your staff to share their own stories relating to the March of Dimes mission – feature in a company newsletter, blog or on social media.

•          Host a lunch and learn to educate your employees about March of Dimes.

•          Post March of Dimes mission and/or World Prematurity Day PSAs on company’s Intranet. Mission: http://bit.ly/O1Usyz; World Prematurity Day: http://youtu.be/kkORCVo4liA (Celine Dion);



•        Pitch local media about your involvement in “Go Purple for Preemies Week” and Prematurity Awareness Month.

•        Turn your business purple: lights, fountains, message boards, etc.

•        Integrate the March of Dimes logo (Proud Supporter of March of Dimes) into company’s existing advertising, community outreach and public relations plans during November.

•        Feature a March of Dimes ad or story in your company’s publication.

•        Change your Facebook cover photo to our World Prematurity Day graphic.

•          Display March of Dimes mission and/or World Prematurity Awareness Month banners on your website.

•        Share or retweet social media Prematurity Awareness Month messages: facebook.com/MODDFW and/or @MOD_DFW


Please share your plans for Prematurity Awareness Month with us. For more information, contact Carmen Branch (cbranch@marchofdimes.com; 972/232-1349)